Chocoyumm Cakes

Chocoyumm cakes by Ari Logo

Open Shop

The menu
Ariana was not a social media person. But when her cake business started to take off, I sat her down and convinced her of the value in having a digital footprint. We began discussing her brand and creating what that identity looks like. My first question to her was:
What inspired your business? To which she replied “My hunny always wanted a sweet treat, and chocoflan was his favorite, but we could never find it in stores in my area”.
What was the goal? To launch an Instagram business page, fill it with baking content (1 feed post/day, and multiple story posts), reach 60 followers in the first week, and land her first client online.
So I opened my Canva account, created THE LOGO with cursive font for the business name to signify the authenticity and uniqueness, incorporating her chosen color scheme and the circular design to resemble the cakes she is baking. EST 2024 was at the request of Ari who wanted new customers to be aware that her business is fresh, just like her cakes.
THE MENU Ari wanted the love that she put into perfecting her fiance’s favorite dessert to shine through in her brand. We added hearts and borders on the menu to simulate a baked with love feel.
THE STRATEGY Ari was in charge of letting her established customers know that she was now on Instagram. Our plan was for Ari to ask her customers to post a picture of a cake they have ordered with a review and tag @chocoyummcakes. She asked me to manage the page. I was in charge of reposting the reviews and engaging as if I was Ari. With all the traction her page was receiving, I posted the ad OPEN SHOP letting her customers know Chocoyumm Cakes is now accepting orders. She wanted a cohesive post that let her followers know how they can reach her.
THE SYSTEM Ari spent her nights baking and taking pictures/videos. I spend mine doing insights research to see what cake content was performing well. I coached Ari to capture content for the Instagram page. She would upload them to a shared album titled Raw Content. I would take the content and transform it to reels and story posts with engaging captions and copy, pairing it with trending sounds. Each morning, I would send her an email with the proposed post and caption. We would post at lunch time on the story and in the afternoon on the feed, the most optimal time of day to reach her target audience.
THE OUTCOME Ari now has a business page to share her yummy cakes and brand identity to root it in.